Monday, September 26, 2011

Why 90% of "Blacks" won't vote for Herman Cain in the 2012 Presidential Election

Q: Why is it that, 90% of "Blacks" won't vote for Herman Cain in the 2012 Presidential Election?
Short answer: He's Republican

When I asked this question around town the other day this was pretty much the sum of the answers.  Many of the African Americans I had spoken with felt let down by the republican party.  Many still feel let down by the lack of action by President Bush and his administration over the Katrina disaster. Not to mention the ongoing double standards that have been placed on the first black president for example the whole "long form" Birth Certificate saga.  It shouldn't matter if President Obama is the "First black president", but that does not change the fact "that" he is.  Trust me, this is something the Africans Americans have not forgotten. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Young and middle aged adults Do Not Vote in Mid-term Elections

Young Adults, for the most part, that I encounter from time to time throughout my day could not be anymore oblivious to the mid term elections.  If you do not believe me walk up to a regular young adult of voting age anywhere between lets say 18-33yrs, while your in the mall and ask them who they voted for in the last senate race in your state. Haha, I laugh just thinking about the answers you'll get, because I have done this myself.  Try asking them who their congressman/woman is.  But I bet you almost all of them know whether or not their voting for the President or one of the Republican contenders at the next General Election.  What I'm getting at here, is that you cannot take the results of the midterm elections as any serious indications of  what the outcome will be in the 2012 general election.  Just because it appears as though the President is losing or down in the polls right now, you have to remember the majority of people that will vote for the President are not only skipping out on the midterms, but young adults, progressives and minorities are not really polled, at least not to the extent they would need to be to actually represent their percentage in the actual general election.  So all I'm saying is take all these numbers (poll numbers, midterm numbers) only as indication of which way the "die hard" and "old faithful" voters are leaning.  As to the young adults, progressives, liberal minded and minorities it all depends on how many of them will actually turn out to vote.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why Marijuana will never be completely legal

I was recently involved in a conversation with two individuals that view Marijuana the same way as they do alcohol and tobacco.  This is false of course, these three things couldn't be more different than each other.  My argument was that marijuana would never be legalized because there is no way to closely regulate it.  Anyone with a cup of soil, some water, light and a marijuana seed can grow it and have a smokeable product in less than 3 months.  This can be done in your closet, basement, bathroom hell if it was legal someone could grow out their entire back yard.  How would the government ever stop this if it was completely legal.  For example why would a marijuana smoker buy a tax stamped box of joints from the store for $10 when any old hippie down the street will sell you a sack of fat joints for $5.  But lets be honest half of the individuals who smoke marijuana will automatically take the complete legalization as the OK to start growing their own, this will overtime, undoubtedly flood the market with massive quantities and drive down the price and demand.  To which one of the individuals said "If that were true then people would just grow there own tobacco and flood out that market".  See in her mind tobacco and marijuana are the same thing and work the same way to there users. So for those of you that agree here's a short lesson:  Marijuana requires no "processing" or manufacturing to be at the level of quality for the user to want it.  You start with a high quality strain and harvest it at it's peak, cut it, dry it, throw it in a jar ready to go.  The user can then use it any way they wish, which amongst users is vastly different and varied.  Tobacco users are usually of either the cigarette, cigar or chewing variety, these forms of tobacco have been processed with added amounts of nicotine and flavors.  A cigarette smoker can not simply go out and pull a couple of tobacco leaves dry them and get that sensation they achieve from that souped up cigarette. 
  The argument then was, well marijuana smokers want special strains and will want to pay for them.  I totally agree with this but only for the first year or so.  People will start coming out with beautiful stuff on their own when they start to realize how easy it is to grow on their own and to use all the advanced techniques in their own home.  They don't understand that an individual with a 10'x10' space in their basement can theoretically produce 4lbs of Hydroponically grown marijuana every 8 weeks, they also do not understand that is the average amount that 6 users use in an entire year, being produced every 8 weeks from a 10'x10' space!  Just think about an old Hippie farmer with an extra couple back acres to put in the highest quality seeds he can find.  Enough "underground" growers will be producing so much good stuff that the ones around them will also have the good stuff.  Any guy with a spare basement can open up his own "bud delivery service" how can they arrest him it's completely legal.  So then the argument turned to "what is completely legal?"  They would have to do something about the minors, right? or those who supply the minors? what about different areas?, would marijuana smokers be forced to use "the taxed" product and only in designated spots? would there be fines for breaking these rules?  What would the outcome be on the multi billion dollar law enforcement business? the huge pharmaceutical companies? the tobacco and alcohol industries? This is why I say it will never be completely legal, too many tough questions left unanswered.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Jackass" Killed Drunk Driving

   "Jackass" cast member Ryan Dunn was killed in a car accident Monday morning just a couple hours after posting a picture of himself on twitter appearing to be quite drunk (see below) then hopping into his Porsche 911 reaching speeds of 110+mph resulting in a fiery crash killing him and his passenger.  This is a tragedy all around anyway you look at it.  I remember his short-lived prank show on MTV.  I will miss his antics.  RIP Dunn. I will never forget that toy car up your ass.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Will George Anthony cover for Casey Anthony ?

     Well I am officially mortified by my recent revelation on the now infamous Casey Anthony trial that I am so so so addicted to.  The revelation comes from the tattoo that Casey received just a couple weeks after A: She killed her daughter (prosecution) or B: Her daughter drowned in the pool and the family began their cover up (defense).  The tattoo in question is her "Bella Vita" tattoo translated in Italian means Beautiful life or whatever(I've heard "life is beautiful", "the good life", etc).  I always knew about the tattoo, I guess I just never really thought about it before.  Hell once she got in to all that lying the tattoo had become irrelevant to me.  What sickens me is how on earth could a sane person who's daughter just drowned in the pool run out and get a tattoo on her back that says "Beautiful Life" 2 weeks later!! The whole Defenses case is just ridiculous to me.  I know that Jose Baez(Casey's Attorney) is slicker than shit though.  I almost feel that he is not only throwing blame towards her father, George, but in a backwards twisted sort of way he's giving George a way to save his daughter.

        OK OK Here we go Conspiracy theory shit.. Hear me out. If you had to look at every possible option for the defense you have to think about this one.   Jose knows that George loves his daughter and would do just about anything for her.  He also knows that George is a little bit unstable (attempted suicide) and his life is virtually ruined anyway.  By throwing all this dirt on George he is essentially giving George a path to save his daughter from the death penalty.  That is of course if George wants to take it, that would mean looking like a child molester and a dirt bag grandfather/father.  Who knows though I thought it sounded pretty interesting.